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Joseph Randle is arrested for a suspicion of rape

Joseph Randle is arrested for a suspicion of rape

Dallas Cowboys former running back Joseph Randle has been charged on suspicion of rape in Wichita. Randle was arrested on Friday morning as according to the online inmate records based on Sedgwick County. Randle last played for the team Dallas Cowboys in October 2015.

In the past few years, Randle has been arrested many times based on many charges that were made against him. In October 2014, Randle was arrested for attempting to steal underwear and cologne from a department store in Texas and received probation of 180 days. Back in February 2015 and November 2015, he was arrested for possessing marijuana and later he was arrested after he allegedly became violent when he was playing the card game blackjack at a casino in Kansas City.

Later in 2016, Randle was arrested in February for speeding in a school zone in Irving, Texas and he was taken into custody soon after it was noticed by the police that there was a warrant out for the arrest of the former NFL player as he didn’t pay a speeding ticket in Kansas. He was also arrested on the accounts of drug possession, aggravated battery and criminal damage in Wichita after he attempted to hit three people with a car that he was driving and he reported chased them into a house party.

Even in February 2017, he was charged with a single count felony of an aggravated battery which was related to an incident with an inmate in the County Jau of Sedgwick. Before turning into a felon, Randle was even considered as one of the promising talents in NFL. His average was 6.7 yards per carry, while he spelled DeMarco Murray in the backfield of Cowboys in 2014. It was reported by Eagle that, the court has declared that Randle is mentally competent on the four different occasions during his venture through the legal system.

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